Eduardo Feito se dió a conocer en nuestro país en el año 1972 en la mítica
Trinca, con la historieta
Antes que Troya cayera, bien resuelta y dibujada, no parecía tratarse de la obra de un recien llegado y de hecho no lo era, como vemos a continuación. Al año siguiente comenzó una nueva historia,
Fabio, que se vió interrumpida por la cancelación de
Trinca y que creo que no llegó a publicarse nunca completa.
Una nueva entrega que agradecer a
David Roach.
1962Boyfriend 164(2), 170, 171, 175(2, 178, 182, 184
1963Boyfriend 190, 191, 194, 195, 196, 198, 204, 208, 214, 215, 224-226, 230, 235, 236
1964Battle Picture Library 162
Boyfriend 242, 246, 261, 264, 271, 274, 279, 284-287
1965War Picture Library 312
Battle P.L. 202
Boyfriend 290, 295, 300, 304, 318, 322, 324, 336(2), 337
1966 Battle P.L. 246, 272
Boyfriend 347-350
1967Battle P.L. 295, 308, 324
T.V. Century 21 Annual 1967: catch or Kill
Diana: Penny in the Bottle 208-217
1967-68Pow!: Experiment X 44-69

1968Judy Picture Story Library 62: Pacific Perl
Judy Annual 1969: Annie’s Ark. Judy: The Girl from Nowhere 437-442, Madge the Badger 452-457
Diana: Marina of the Black Panthers 256-268, Stay Away from my Dog! 259-267
Diana: Little Jenny’s Journey 272-289, The Runaway Robsons 282-288, Golden Girl 291-302

1969War 490, 532
Judy: the Fight Against the Odds 474-480, the Village of Strangers 485-491
Judy Annual 1970: Madge the Badger
Diana: Chums at War 301-308, Poor Little fella 309-328, Mimi 309-329, Gypsykin 330-341
Diana: All the King’s Horses 342-352

1970Diana: Fighting for Snowball 360-374, Jimmy Boy 378-389, My Brother the Keeper 391-401
Judy: The Dux from the Dead 526-537, Steeple Jill 542-547, Too Clever for School 548-562
Hotspur 554
Judy Annual 1971: Madge the Badger, Steeple Jill
1971Diana: What Ever’s Happened to Tilly Tompkins? 435-442, Lucy’s Wiky Star 440, 442, 446, 448
Judy picture Story Library 97: A Home for Six Kittens
Diana: Three in a Cande 444-449
Judy: I Want to be a Shot! 594-601, My Mother my Enemy 602-607
1971-72Tammy: Halves in a Horse 23/10/71-8/1/72

1972Judy: Treasure of Troy 643-651
Diana Annual 1973: Rustye First Rosettes
Sandie: Silver is a Star 12/2/72-27/5/72, The Pny from the Moorland Mist 3/6/72-19/8/72
Tammy: Rona Rides Again 19/2/72-22/4/72, The Uxdale urchins 24/6/72-23/9/72
1972-73Tammy: The Stables Slave 28/10/72-13/1/73
1973Sandie: sink or Swim, sara! 7/4/73-4/8/73, Daisy Downstairs 17/2/73
Tammy: For Isabel with Love 1/9/73-20/10/73
Pink: The House on Witchcraft Hill 44-55, Daughter of Darkness 56-66
1974-75Pink: Followers of the Fire 89-?
1975Tammy: Strangest Stories 5/7/75-19/7/75
Pink: The Book of Hours 107-114, Shadow on the Moon 115-122, Village of the Dead 123-132
Pink Annual 1976: the Wolf
1976Battle: Rat Pack 10/4/76-31/7/76
Tammy: Odds on Patsy 22/5/76-14/8/76, Strangest Stories 27/3/76
1976-77Tammy: Olympia Jones 2/10/76-1/1/77
1977Battle: Rat Pack 21/5/77, Judy: A Secret Place 905-914, Green for Danger 915-?
Tammy: Copper’s Kid 12/2/77-30/4/77, What’s Wrong With Rhona? 7/5/77-23/7/77
Tammy: No Place for Children 1/10/77-17/12/77

1978Misty: School of the Lost 13-22, A Leap Through Time 30-36, Misty 24,34
Tammy: Goldie Alone 31/12/77-15/4/78
1978-79Misty: Hush, Hush, Sweet Rachel 42-52
1979Misty: Wolf Girl 65-80
1980Misty Annual 1981: rag Doll
1981Tammy: No Love for Lindy 1/8/81-10/10/81, Goodbye Jo 14/11/81-2/1/82
1982Tammy: Di and the Dolphins ?/?/82-10/7/82, A Horse Called September 17/7/82-13/11/82
1983Girl: Hannahs Lovely Friend 109-?, Tippy’s Special Pool 150-152, Girl 142, 147
1984Girl 164, Princess: The Saddest Dog un Town, Rusty Remember Me
Tammy: Rusty Remember Me 7/4/84-28/4/84, No Use to Anyone 5/584-23/6/84
1985judy: lost on the Planet of Fear 1338-1350
1986Judy: The Princess Who Never was 1381-1391, Trial on the Track 1395-1404
1987Judy: Gift of the Gods: 1424-1428, Dana from the Deep
1987-88Judy: Bad Penny 1458-1467
1988Nikki: On Brother 189-195, Odd Girl Out 193-199
Mandy: Hayley’s Hidden Talent 1128-1138
1989Mandy: Too Many Cooks 1153-1556
Judy: Candy’s Crowd 1545-1556
1990Judy: Candy’s Crowd ?-1579
1991Bunty Picture Story Library 334: The Seekers
Bunty: no Place Like Home 1721-1731, Mandy + Judy: the Girl of 3C 25-36
1992Bunty: Sandra’s Sad Secret 1786-1796
1993Bunty: The Price of Success 1862-1874
1994Bunty: In the Picture 1885-1894, Reen TV 1907-1914
1995Bunty: Born to Dance 1936-1947, 1968-1979
Mandy + Judy: Lucky + Lisa 219-?
1996Bunty: Debbie’s Debt 1995-2008, 2013-2024
Mandy + Judy: pine Tree Grove 254-255, 260-?
1997Bunty: Mystery at Mirov 2073-2085, 2098-2109
1999Bunty: Revenge 2138-2145, Time After Time 2159-2164, Donna’s Double 2168-2175
2000Bunty: Cheat! 2198-2208