Uno de nuestros autores más populares en Gran Bretaña, donde ha trabajado durante más de 40 años, encargándose en los últimos tiempos de alguno de sus personajes más populares, lo que le ha reportado el reconocimiento del gran público y de la crítica de ese país.
De nuevo
David Roach nos pone en antecedentes de gran parte de su obra, prácticamente desconocida en España.
Al final de la entrada coloco varios enlaces para quienes deseen conocer más a fondo su trayectoria en nuestro país y su biografía.
1958Thriller 244
1960Trae Life 214
Knockout Annual 1961-Thunderbolt Jaxon,
1961Love Story 362
True Life 284
Famous Romance Library 146
Marty 16/9/61, 23/12/61
1962Love Story 371, 382, 390, 412
True Life 328
Mirabelle 7/4/62, 26/5/62, 9/6/62, 7/7/62, 8/9/62, 22/9/62, 10/11/62, 24/11/62, 22/12/62
Marilyn 3/11/62
Mirabelle (Strange Paradise) 15/9/62, 10/11/62
Valentine 17/3/62, 24/3/62
Marty 9/6/62, 14/7/62, 25/8/62, 10/11/62, 24/11/62, 1/12/62, 15/12/62
1963Love Story 432, 449, 459
True Life 379
Mirabelle 25/5/63
Cherie 134
1964Jackie 42
Love Story 466, 474
True Life 426

1965Love Story 530, 541, 546
True Life 458, 469, 488
Mirabelle 24/4/65, Mirabelle (Nightmare Valley) 30/10/65
1966Jackie 139
Mirabelle 19/2/66
True Life 492, 516
Mirabelle (Call in Camilla)
1967Jackie 158(2), 167, 174, 180, 186, 188, 191
Romeo 11/2/67, 20/5/67
Lady Penelope Annual’67(2),
Romeo (Carissima) 2/12/67-3/2/68
Valentine 17/6/67, 1/7/67, 29/7/67, 14/10/67, 28/10/67, 18/11/67, 30/12/67,
Mirabelle (Who was Ned Pierce?) 28/10/67,-16/12/67, 4/3/67, 15/7/67, 19/8/67, 16/9/67, 2/12/67, 16/12/67
Joe go Top Secret Annual’68

1968Jackie 217, 219, 24, 234, 241
Mirabelle 13/7/68, 31/8/68, 14/9/68
Lady Penelope Annual’68(3)
Valentine (World) 1/6/68-28/12/68, 10/2/68, 16/3/68, 20/7/68, 16/11/68
Romeo 16/3/68, 12/10/68, 9/11/68
Mirabelle (Flight into Nowhere) 3/2/68-9/3/68 (Sea of Gold) 23/3/68, ?/4/68 (Into the Blue) 10/8/68, 7/9/68, (Design for Murder) 25/5/68-?/6/68, (The Street that Walked Away) 5/10/68-2/11/68
1969Romeo 14/6/69, 11/10/69, 6/42/69
Daily Express-Isometrics
Mandy 137
Mirabelle (Silent Scream) 15/3/69-5/4/69 (Countdown to Murder) 2/8/69-9/69, 1/3/69
Valentine (Dear Doctor) 25/1/69-4/69, 4/1/69, 27/9/69, 8/11/69, 15/11/69
Diana 322, 324 (The Nurse of the Elephants Back)
1970Star Love 328, 338
Valentine 19/12/70
Modesty Blaise (comienza en enero 70)
Romeo 22/8/70
Mirabelle 14/2/70
Diana (Slave of the Gipsy Queen) 361-369
Mirabelle (The Dangerous Ones), 1/70-2/70 (The Clock Strikes Fear) 28/3/70-?,
Valentine (Engagement with Fear) 20/6/70-25/7/70 (The Boy from Yesterday) 19/9/70-17/10/70
1971Pow Annual 1971 (Esper Commandos)
Modesty Blaise
Look in (Freewheelers) 22/5/71-3/7/71
Valentine 9/1/71
Diana-Strange Days for Kitty Carson 439-442
1972T.V. Action (Protectors) 104-108
Modesty Blaise
Romeo 19/2/72
Valentine (The Strange Steb to Christmas) 23/12/72-30/12/72
1973Melanie (The House on Black Islands) 12/5/73-14/7/73
Valentine (Wheels of Fear) 13/1/73-10/2/73, 6/1/73, 13/1/73, 3/3/73, 10/3/73, 12/5/73, 6/10/73
Modesty Blaise
1974Melanie (The Secret of the Loch) 1/6/74-20/7/74 (Smudge) 30/3/74, 9/11/74
Modesty Blaise
1975Diana Annual 1975-Fabulous Four
Modesty Blaise
1976Spellbound (Supercats) 1, 2, 6
Star Love 621
Modesty Blaise
1977Spellbound (Supercats) 18, 19
Diana Annual 1977-Fabulous Four
Modesty Blaise
1978Modesty Blaise
1979Misty 7/4/79, 19/5/79, 16/6/79
Modesty Blaise 30/3/79

1987-2001Modesty Blaise